Bedr00mZ Sl33ping PillZ

Epiz0de 000        Sourire de Nuit        d00rStep        WakeUpc0re        Sk00L c0rrid0r
Dingy Tenement        d0rmZ        m00ndaY        Tipsity Djigity Melody        Sk00L Phobia
MakinG Off        MatchStyx        Dr0wzY Train        Tea Time        Ghost Away
LeAk WalK        M0sT WanTeD        LoCKer r00m        SLeeP ParaLYSIS        BackAlley DraMa
eLevat0r tv        Sk00L PANIC        Sk00L r00F        Le Syndrome de Paris       

UseZ :

Bedr00mZ Sl33ping PillZ is designed to help you fall Asleep / stay Asleep, and increases the depth and quality of sleep.
Bedr00mZ Sl33ping PillZ is designed to help you in Nightmare_m0de™.
Bedr00mZ Sl33ping PillZ is designed to help you with your Internet Morbid Consumption™.

DirectionZ :

Take only the d0ze you need.

StorageZ :

Keep it within the sight or reach of your Inner_Child™.

IngredientZ :

BloodZ, SweatZ, TearZ, PanicZ, JoyZ, FeelingZ, EyeZ, HandZ, DayZ, NightZ, YearZ, ViktorieZ.


Bedr00mZ Sl33ping PillZ may make you feel sleepy or drowsy. If this happens, please find a pillow and use it.
Bedr00mZ Sl33ping PillZ may make you feel VertigoZ™. If this happens, please enjoy.
Bedr00mZ Sl33ping PillZ may lower or intensify your Anxiety level™.
Read all of these instructions carefully before use. Keep this leaflet, you may need to read it again.
Bedr00mZ TV is not responsible for any aftertaste.

Copyright © Viktor Tibay, 1992-2023
All Rights Reserved.
